무지외반증 치료 How to treat hallux valgus

Simple valgus is a protruding bone in the joint below the thumb. The joey develops a valgus in place, with the big toe pressed against the other toe due to shoes, injury, or genetic bone structure. Eventually, the thumb-toe joint becomes swollen and painful, making movement and walking difficult. Learn how to manage simple valgus through lifestyle changes, natural remedies, and medical treatments.

1. natural remedy
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1. Exercise your feet Exercise can help slow or stop the progression of simple valgus and eventually avoid surgery. Take off your shoes and do the following exercises every day.
Extend your thumb. Use your finger to pull your thumb into place along with your other toes.
Straighten the remaining toes. Flip straight forward for 10 seconds and bend down for 10 seconds. Repeat several times.
Bend your toes. Bend your toes against the floor or wall. Hold this position for 10 seconds before stepping on tiptoe. Repeat several times.
Grab things with your toes. Use your toes to lift the towel through the garment, drop it, and then pick it up again.
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2. Correct your toes with simple valgus correction pads or insoles. For early simple valgus, orthodontic pads purchased at pharmacies and supermarkets can be used to relieve pain and help toes find their place. Wearing orthotics can also help correct your toes. 무지외반증 치료
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3. Tape your feet and toes and return them to their normal position. After wrapping the tape for a week or two, your toes may be in the right position. See your doctor if you need help with this process.
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4. Relieve pain. It is good to exercise the feet and toes, but the severe pain should also be relieved. Soothe foot pain by:
Soak your feet in warm water. Soak your feet in a bowl of warm water for 20 minutes. The heat softens the joints and temporarily relieves pain. nicetomeetya
Steam with ice. If the pain is particularly severe, ice steaming is recommended. Put ice in a plastic bag and wrap in a thin towel. Ice steaming is performed several times a day at 20-minute intervals.
Take a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) like ibupropine to relieve pain.
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5. For rigid or moderate simple valgus, use the flexible simple valgus corrector. It has been scientifically proven to effectively correct a bent thumb and help relieve the pain [3].
2. Treatment of severe simple valgus
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1. Ask your doctor. If the pain is severe, getting worse, or the shoe no longer fits well, see your doctor right away. It can slow or stop the progression of simple valgus. However, treatment alone is not possible.
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2. Get a prescription for analgesics. Doctors may also advise lifestyle changes and prescribe pain relievers. To prevent simple valgus from getting worse, it depends on the doctor’s condition.
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3. Consider surgery. As a last resort, consider simple valgus removal surgery. Shaving the toe bone of the thumb to adjust the balance with the other toes. Simple valgus surgery is considered the only treatment for simple valgus surgery in many surgeries.
There are different types of simple valgus surgeries. Consult your doctor to find out which one is best for you.
Surgery usually improves simple valgus. However, the pain does not necessarily go away completely or the thumb straightens up.
To prevent pain and inflammation after surgery, I will stick to proper lifestyle habits and exercise.
3. Lifestyle Changes
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1. walk barefoot. If you have ignorance valgus, either due to heredity or a sinful habit of wearing shoes, you can prevent and treat simple valgus by going barefoot as much as possible. Walking barefoot strengthens the foot muscles, the bones find their place and the foot does not deform to adapt to the shape of the shoe.

However, if the valgus progresses frequently and the pain is severe, walking barefoot can make the valgus worse. In this case, wear thick socks when walking around the house and doing daily activities.
Alternatively, wearing thick, comfortable slippers at home can ease the pain without the pressure on your feet when you wear shoes.
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2. Find out if shoes make simple valgus worse. Comfortable, well-fitting shoes, such as sneakers and sneakers, can also make a simple hallux worse. Wear shoes with thick padding to support the arch of the foot. If you are unsure about which shoes to buy, ask your doctor for advice.
Make sure your shoe size is correct. A simple valgus is often made worse by wearing shoes that are too small. Your thumb should not touch the edge of the shoe. In general, there should be enough space for your thumb between the tip of the thumb and the tip of the shoe.
Do not wear high heels or shoes with pointed noses. Such shoes are beautiful, but the high heel and beautifully pointed front nose are not good for a simple valgus. The pain increases and the simple valgus is worse. Wear as few sandals as possible.
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3. Avoid activities that cause simple valgus. If you engage in activities that require you to wear tight shoes, such as B. Ballet, you can develop a simple scrub. I wouldn’t do this type of activity at all if I couldn’t wear more comfortable shoes on my feet.
Wearing a flexible simple valgus corrector can correct the big toe while moving the foot. Wear a simple hallux splint after surgery. This is intended to maintain the surgically corrected position of the thumb and protect the tissue.
Night braces, worn on the toes and feet at night while sleeping, correct bone growth and prevent children from developing valgus. Night corsets are ineffective in treating simple valgus, since adults have already finished growing their feet.